International Author
There is a good story in everyone... and wisdom comes with least that's what they say, having lived some eighty years I
should have a number of stories and be very wise... I've certainly had the experiences that longevity brings, and I hope I have
acquired a modicum of wisdom.
I have met some very decent honest people and also some downright scoundrels that ought to be locked up... some of them have
been, I have related stories of my life to several of my close friends over the years and was finally persuaded to write them down.
My first book, The Price of Freedom, recounts my experiences as a National Serviceman from the age of 21 in 1960 and is
fictionalised to protect the innocent but the events depicted are based on fact
“It all started.. at the
The story begins with the arrival
of the envelope which filled every
parent with dread
“The brown envelope addressed
to Mr. Conrad Davenport, with the
stamp HMS, fell onto the hall
carpet of the Davenports modest
house in the small Yorkshire town
of Bridlington. it lay there for
several hours, its contents known
to but a few faceless civil servants.
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When Mrs. Moira Davenport arrived home
from her mundane job in the local
confectioners shop were she worked to
supplement the households meagre
income, her hand went to her mouth
instinctively, and she cried out ‘Oh please
God, not Conrad, you've already taken one
of my two sons from me, isn't that enough
for you?’ She stumbled into the kitchen
and sat down, and cried... as all mothers
have done since time began, when their
sons or daughters are about to be taken
from them, for the 'safety and glory' of the
country, or whatever excuse is put out by
the powers that be…”
Lance-Corporal Colin Denby winning the 1500 metre run setting a
new SHAPE record time for the event of 4 minutes and 47
seconds. He also won two five mile races and has won prizes in
the SHAPE Tennis Association tournaments.